At the 2021 Lung Cancer Voices Summit, advocates across the lung cancer community will come together to learn, network, and raise awareness about lung cancer and the need to focus funding for research and new treatment options.

This year’s theme is Tell Congress It’s Personal. Lung cancer is personal—to patients, caregivers, family members, and the broader care community. Each person’s journey is unique. Sharing these stories helps to put a name and a face to the disease. Collectively, our stories are even more powerful.

One of our asks of Members of Congress this year is that they co-sponsor the Women and Lung Cancer Research and Preventive Services Act (S.699 and H.R.1800). This important legislation is designed to direct key federal agencies to identify opportunities to increase research on women and lung cancer and improve access to preventive services. It would also direct federal agencies to launch a national public awareness and education campaign on lung cancer.

Registration for the event is closed, but there are plenty of other ways to take action. Whether you’re attending the Voices Summit or are just looking to amplify our message from home, our advocacy tools make it easy to tell your story.

Voter Voice

The core component of GO2 for Lung Cancer’s online advocacy is Voter Voice. This messaging platform makes it easy to send a message to your elected representatives. Once you sign up with your email and zip code, Voter Voice lets you send a pre-written email and tweet to your lawmakers.

In addition to Voter Voice, here are some tips and tools that make it easy to take action from home.

Social media tips

Social media makes raising awareness quick and easy! When raising your voice on your own social media accounts, be sure to use the hashtags #VoicesSummit21 and #SaveHerLungs. Using these hashtags will help you amplify your story and help us build momentum as one collective voice across social media platforms. Don’t forget to tag GO2 for Lung Cancer in your posts with the accounts linked below!

Shareable graphics about lung cancer

Add an eye-catching graphic to your social media posts to educate people, including the fact that lung cancer is the #1 cancer killer among both men and women.


Facebook frames

Add one of our Facebook frames to your profile to increase lung cancer awareness. Follow these steps:

  1. Visit
  2. Search for “Lung Cancer Voices”
  3. Select your frame of choice, adjust frame as needed, and click “Use as Profile Picture”

Video guidelines

One of the easiest ways to put a face to this disease is to share your own story in a selfie video! This spreads awareness while also educating legislators on the impact of lung cancer in a very personal way. Reference these video guidelines for suggestions, including a short message you can record and share on your social networks.

Your advocacy makes a difference. Take action today!