New Clinical Trial Designs in the Era of Precision Medicine

2023-11-20T10:20:27-06:00October 23rd, 2023|Hot Topics, Magnifying LeNS, Newsletter Articles, Science and Research|

Author: GO2 for Lung Cancer Associate Director, Clinical Research, Andrew Ciupek, PhD With an increasing number of targeted therapies becoming available, making treatment decisions based on the results of biomarker testing has become an essential part of cancer care [...]

Addressing the Unmet Needs of Family Caregivers of People with Lung Cancer  

2023-10-23T10:15:06-05:00October 23rd, 2023|Hot Topics, Magnifying LeNS, Newsletter Articles, Science and Research|

Author: Lung Cancer Registry Associate Director, Heather Law, MA  Family caregivers often experience emotional distress and neglect their own well-being while caring for a loved one. Preliminary findings from GO2’s Lung Cancer Registry Caregiver Survey were presented at the 2023 World Conference on [...]

Finding Strength After a Small Cell Lung Cancer Diagnosis: Bob’s Story

2023-10-05T15:35:59-05:00October 3rd, 2023|Newsletter Articles, Small Cell Lung Cancer Spotlight, Spotlights, Stories of Hope, Your Community|

After spending over 20 years in the hospitality field, Bob Iles changed careers and joined the stock brokerage industry before retiring almost six years ago. He and his husband live in Palm Springs, CA, where he enjoys swimming in [...]

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