When people think about treatment options after receiving a lung cancer diagnosis, they often don’t think about clinical trials. In fact, many people are fearful of exploring clinical trials and may shy away from discussing them with their care team. But the reality is that for many people living with lung cancer, clinical trials are part of their routine treatment. Clinical trials not only make care better for the next generation of people who will receive a lung cancer diagnosis, but participating in them ensures that you are getting the most cutting-edge treatment possible, all while generating new solutions for the future.  

Dr. Jorge Nieva from the University of Southern California joined GO2’s May Lung Cancer Living Room to discuss lung cancer treatment options, with a special focus on clinical trials. He helps you understand the importance of clinical trials and whether a clinical trial may be right for you. Today’s lung cancer treatments are available because people like you participate in this type of research. 

  • Jorge J. Nieva, MD, Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine, Keck School of Medicine of USC, Medical Oncologist and Researcher, USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center 
  • Courtney Granville, PhD, MSPH, Chief Scientific Officer, GO2 for Lung Cancer    
Discussed in this episode:   
  • Our LungMATCH program allows you to talk one-on-one with our expert navigators to learn about lung cancer treatments and clinical trial options. 
  • Our Understanding Clinical Trialsand Clinical Trials brochures can help you learn more and decide whether a trial may be right for you. 
  • Clinical trials are an important consideration in your lung cancer treatment path. Understand this option more clearly by reviewing these frequently asked questions about clinical trials. 
  • Because every person’s cancer is different, biomarker testing offers you and your treatment team the information you need to identify the best treatment for your individual case. 

Please join us on July 16 at 5:30 p.m. PT/8:30 p.m. ET for the next Lung Cancer Living Room covering The Best of ASCO (American Society of Clinical Oncology) 2024. Join in person at our San Carlos, CA office or watch on YouTube Live.  

For more information on the Living Room, other GO2 for Lung Cancer programs, or support through diagnosis and treatment, please contact GO2’s HelpLine at 1-800-298-2436 or email support@go2.org.