By Gloria Linnertz, Founder/Director
Citizens for Radioactive Radon Reduction

Being diagnosed with lung cancer is a drastic way to discover the danger of radioactive radon gas exposure.  Most people don’t know that radon gas is a leading cause of lung cancer and that it is present in elevated levels in every state in our nation.

Any structure which touches the ground is susceptible to the intrusion of radon. It doesn’t matter if the structure is new, old, frame, brick, has a basement, has a crawl space, or is slab on grade. Radon—a silent killer—doesn’t care. Radon, the decay product of uranium, seep into a structure without any noticeable indication, leaking in from the ground through tiny openings and sometimes through the concrete.

The only way to tell if high levels are present in the indoor environment is to perform an easy home test.  See below on instruction to order a free kit.

If a structure has a mitigation system installed, it is advised to test that structure at least every two years to verify the functioning performance of the system. Any time of the year is fine to test for radon. Sometimes the level is even higher in the summer than in the winter because of the constant use of air-conditioning. The important thing to remember is to keep a closed house condition when performing a short-term test (3-7 days). However, an almost year-long test of 90 days or more is appropriate to verify the radon level throughout the year.

New technology from several testing device manufacturers provide long-term and real-time results. When the test results are revealed to be elevated, use a certified radon professional mitigator to install a system that will lower the level of radon.  A list of certified professionals can be found through the American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists and the National Radon Safety Board.

Individuals diagnosed with lung cancer can receive a short-term Radon Test Kit for free by emailing and leaving a name and address. For a first-hand account of lung cancer and radon, please read this blog post.