Advocacy is any action that supports, defends or pleads on behalf of a cause or others. It’s a simple word but a powerful concept—knowing that your voice can drive change and save lives. Yet asking people to engage in advocacy causes some people to think it’s too far outside of their comfort zone. The truth is you don’t need to be a policy wonk or even visit Capitol Hill to advocate effectively.

At GO2 for Lung Cancer, we support individuals to have their voices heard through advocacy. And right now, it’s easier than ever to raise your voice for the lung cancer cause. Registration is free for our 2022 Lung Cancer Voices Summit plus the event is virtual, allowing you to make a difference from the comfort and safety of your own home. Our theme this year is “tell Congress it’s personal.” The “personal” is you. Your voice and your story can make a difference.

Lawmakers want to hear from you.

House and Senate members have many things competing for their time—congressional hearings, floor speeches and votes. But one thing they always prioritize is hearing from their constituents. Your senators and representative are there because you and others they represent put them in office. And they know it. That’s why, for example, calls and letters from constituents get priority over those from people outside their district or state.

Lawmakers serve you—and what you tell them matters. Your story matters.

Advocacy makes a difference.

Lung cancer is the leading cancer killer of men and women—and every ethnic group. No one is immune, yet lung cancer has received far less attention and less money for research and treatment. Until 2020, it had been 11 years since the federal Lung Cancer Research Program had been restored to its original funding level.  It was fully funded at $20 million in the FY2021 Consolidated Appropriations Act passed into law in late December of 2020—and the voices of lung cancer community advocates helped make that happen.

Advocacy is empowering.

Your story is motivating because it is personal. You are not a statistic. You have the power to increase awareness and funding simply by participating in the process.

If you’re new to advocacy, this year’s Voices Summit is the perfect introduction. You and other advocates from your state will receive advocacy training and peer-to-peer counseling that will help you speak directly with lawmakers and their staff. GO2 for Lung Cancer will set up the meetings—all you have to do is show up and tell your story. Plus, you’ll be able to make meaningful connections with others in the lung cancer community and hear presentations on the latest advancements in the lung cancer research and treatment.

Our collective voice drives real, lifesaving change for the lung cancer community. Don’t wait – register today for the Lung Cancer Voices Summit!