Question: “I have heard people being treated for lung cancer talk about being ‘NED.’ What exactly does this mean? Is it the same thing as being cured?”
Answer: NED stands for “no evidence of disease” and is a term that is like “remission.” NED means that there is no cancer currently detectable in your body based on scans or other tests, but that there might still be cancer cells present at a level that can’t be detected. People who are living with lung cancer often celebrate their NED status because it shows that their treatment is working well.
NED is not the same as being “cured.” Cured means that there is nothing detectable in your body and there’s no chance of it coming back. This is harder to say, because there’s often a chance of recurrence even if you’ve been NED for a long time. Some doctors may say that a patient is cured after a certain amount of time has passed without a relapse, but even then, some cancer cells may exist in your body and may resurface years later.
Because the terms “NED,” “remission” and “cured” are sometimes used interchangeably, it is important to ask your oncologist what they are specifically referring to when they use these terms. It is also important to continue a surveillance program regardless of how long you have been NED. Talk to your doctor about how frequently you should have scans so that if the cancer does come back, you will catch it as soon as possible.
In each issue of Your Community, we will be answering your questions about lung cancer and/or GO2 programs and services, including questions about screening, treatment types and advancements, clinical trials, support services and the lung cancer community. Please email your questions to
Please note that the information included in any published answer is for educational pursuit only and is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The reader should always consult their healthcare provider to determine the appropriateness of the information for their own situation. Nothing from GO2 for Lung Cancer should be construed as an attempt to offer or render a medical opinion.
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