By: Laurie Fenton Ambrose, Co-Founder, President and CEO, GO2 for Lung Cancer
Our Co-Founder and Board Chair Bonnie J. Addario is the recipient of the 2020 Lifetime Achievement Award from CURE Media Group. The award is part of the inaugural The 2020 Lung Cancer Heroes™ virtual celebration being held October 15 from 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM Central Time.
There is no one more deserving of being called a hero than Bonnie Addario – who each and every day – inspires hope and emanates the core values that guide our collective fight against lung cancer.
Since her own lung cancer diagnosis over 16 years ago, Bonnie has devoted 110 percent of her time and energy to the cause of defeating lung cancer. Bonnie is a caregiver—offering welcome support to individuals in need and personally advocating for their care. She is an educator—teaching patients, both individually and through the Lung Cancer Living Room broadcast, about early detection, comprehensive biomarker testing, new treatment options, and the necessity of personalized care. She is an advocate—empowering and coordinating community efforts to demand change. She is a collaborator—helping care teams develop best practices and providing input to industry partners about patient-centric clinical trials. She is an innovator—working with researchers to drive transformative studies to advance discoveries by the establishment of her visionary medical institute Addario Lung Cancer Medical Institute (ALCMI).
Bonnie embodies our core values. She is patient-first, credible, community centric, reliable, trailblazing, and, undeniably authentic. Simply put, Bonnie is an iconic figure who has and continues to lead the way for our community. She is the voice of hope for millions, driven to “Empower Everyone and Ignore No One,” placing the needs of the lung cancer community at the center of her universe. Her concern, care, and compassion are front and center. The lung cancer community owes Bonnie a debt of gratitude and proudly recognizes and honors her 2020 Lifetime Achievement Award by CURE Magazine.
Thank you Bonnie!
Learn more about Bonnie and her bold and caring actions as a survivor and a leader.
Find out more about upcoming virtual broadcasts of Bonnie’s Lung Cancer Living Room.
I am a loyal FAN of dear Bonnie….after having become familiar with both she and her organization from our local lung cancer support group! My oncologist is also a fan….and he told me that he had even received an award from her foundation. I hope that this Covid-19 thing gets controlled to the place that I can actually GO to one of the “Living Room” sessions in person! Thank you Bonnie for all that have done and continue to do! Great thanks to your daughter and all of the other Go2 Foundation people doing such great work on our behalfs!
What would we do without Bonnie? How far would we have gotten without her? Treatments and attitudes have progressed so much . When going through my 3 lobectomies as a non- smoking cancer patient, one of my goals was to meet and hug Bonnie. I finally got to do that in Sacramento. She and my UC D doctors are my heroes.
Almost 7 years survivor and I walk 2.8 daily. Thank you Bonnie for your dedication.