Find a Center of Excellence

You should be screened for lung cancer in an experienced center that follows approved guidelines for lung cancer screening. You can find GO2-designated Centers of Excellence nationwide.

You can also call our HelpLine at 1-800-298-2436 or email with any questions about risk factors, the screening process and for help finding a screening center near you.


Questions to ask a local screening center

If you do not live near a Center of Excellence, here are some questions to ask your local screening center to determine if they are screening responsibly:

  1. What test do you use to screen for lung cancer? The test should be a LDCT scan, which means that the radiation amount is much lower than in a regular CT scan.
  2. Who will interpret the scan? LDCT scans can be more challenging to read than regular CT scans. It is best for a radiologist with experience reading and reporting LDCT scans of the chest to be the one to interpret your scan.
  3. What guidelines will be used if something is found? Several professional organizations have developed clinical guidelines specifically for lung cancer screening and your center should consistently follow one of them.
  4. What will happen if something is found? Your screening program should work with your primary care provider to arrange any follow-up tests or care that you need, preferably from a team of doctors who will work together to evaluate and treat you.

If you are a healthcare professional, explore our free educational materials for your patients on screening, diagnosis, and more. For additional resources, explore GO2’s dedicated website for healthcare professionals.


should i be screened?