Every month our Lung Cancer Living Room Series brings hope home to people with lung cancer and their families around the world. Anyone who has attended the event, whether in-person or virtually, knows that this is far from your average support group. Started by our co-founder and board chair Bonnie Addario after her own stage 3B lung cancer diagnosis, the Living Room has provided a warm, welcoming space for anyone impacted by lung cancer to find empowerment and support for over a decade.
The past year has been especially challenging for the lung cancer community, with changes in everything from treatment and hospital protocols to in-person connection and support. But as the needs of the lung cancer community shift, so do we.
It is with great excitement that we invite you to participate in our new, three-part Living Room support series! No matter where you live, you can join our Living Room community and participate in multiple monthly livestream events to learn, question, and connect.
Lung Cancer Living Room
Third Tuesday of every month at 5:30 pm PT/8:30 pm ET
Learn about lung cancer and its treatments through in-depth conversations with healthcare experts, people with lung cancer, and caregivers through our signature monthly series. These hour-long conversations cover everything from early detection and treatment options to survivorship and stigma, plus offer the opportunity to connect with fellow attendees, moderators, and speakers.
Plan to attend our next event virtually on Tuesday, October 19th for a conversation on Women and Lung Cancer and join our community to receive exclusive content, reminders, and updates.
Gathering HOPE Social Community
Second Tuesday of every month at 5 pm PT/8 pm ET
Find connection and support through our monthly, hour-long virtual networking event. Anyone with a connection to lung cancer, including people with lung cancer, caregivers, and loved ones, can see, connect, and mingle with new and old friends while lending support to each other.
Learn more about our newest addition to the Living Room portfolio on our website and sign up to join our next event on Tuesday, October 12.
Lung Cancer Living Room: Special Edition
Occasionally throughout the year
Don’t miss our hot topic speaker series covering timely, critical issues. Topics range from newly approved therapies to legislative issues affecting people with lung cancer.
Be on the lookout for upcoming Special Edition episodes on our website and by joining our Living Room community.
Stay up to date on the Lung Cancer Living Room!
Check out our calendar of upcoming events and join our community to receive email reminders.
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