What a Difference a Year Makes
Dear Lung Cancer Community, As we dive into 2019 and further our efforts to advance new life-saving research and treatments for the lung cancer community, we want to take a moment to say thank you and reflect on what [...]
Congress: When Considering Women’s Health, Don’t Forget about Lung Cancer
An Op-Ed on Women and Lung Cancer recently ran in The Hill, a top policy newspaper and newsite read by national legislators. The opinion piece was co-authored by Laurie Fenton Ambrose, President & CEO of Lung Cancer Alliance and Bonnie J. Addario, [...]
Nat’l Advocacy Summit Registration Open!
REGISTER TODAY for Lung Cancer Alliance's 10th Anniversary National Advocacy Summit, July 10-12! Don't miss this special opportunity to join fellow lung cancer survivors and advocates in Washington, DC, as we amplify the national call for lung cancer research, early detection and access [...]