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Finding Strength After a Small Cell Lung Cancer Diagnosis: Bob’s Story

2023-10-05T15:35:59-05:00October 3rd, 2023|Newsletter Articles, Small Cell Lung Cancer Spotlight, Spotlights, Stories of Hope, Your Community|

After spending over 20 years in the hospitality field, Bob Iles changed careers and joined the stock brokerage industry before retiring almost six years ago. He and his husband live in Palm Springs, CA, where he enjoys swimming in [...]

A New Lease on Life: Mike’s Story

2024-03-19T15:56:44-05:00September 15th, 2023|Hot Topics, Newsletter Articles, Small Cell Lung Cancer Spotlight, Spotlights, Stories of Hope, Survivors, Your Community|

By Mike Knecht   Mike Knecht retired from his career as an electrical contractor and business owner in 2019 and spent the following year traveling through the United States and Africa. In early 2023, he and his wife, Lois, sold their home in Maryland to live full-time in their vacation/retirement home in West [...]

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