With no symptoms of lung cancer, I went in for a low-dose CT scan after receiving a direct mail flier from my health care provider system, Baylor Health (Dallas, TX). I had quit smoking approximately ten years earlier at age 48 and had a family history of various cancers. The flier came to me in January of 2016, but I didn’t think about it until a few months later in April when I found it tucked in a notebook. I went in mid-May and received a call from my general practitioner two days later. The following week the pulmonologist diagnosed probable lung cancer on the right upper lobe. The PET scan came back negative, and I had surgery in early June 2016 to remove the right upper lobe. I was lucky in that no chemo or radiation treatments followed because the cancer was caught early. For the last five years my follow-up CT scans have been negative.
The source of strength for me was my family, friends and amazing wife and caregiver, Colleen. Always be aware that you and your family have to be your own advocates.
Early CT scans work!!!
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