We kicked off August raising awareness during World Lung Cancer Day. Now it’s time to get more personal and focus on the important steps to take to effectively detect and treat lung cancer.
Here are four easy steps any survivor, advocate, or caregiver can take during the month of August.
- Get screened or encourage your at-risk loved ones to do the same!
Lung cancer screening with a low-dose computed tomography (also known as low-dose CT or LDCT) scan is the only current, proven method that can detect lung cancer earlier, before symptoms occur, when it is more treatable and even curable. It’s quick and painless! Watch this short video to learn more and talk to your healthcare provider to see if it’s right for you. - Have you or someone you love been recently diagnosed? Make sure to ask your doctor for comprehensive biomarker testing.
Biomarker testing looks for biological changes in genes or proteins, like EGFR or ALK, that may be associated with your cancer. It is important to ask for comprehensive biomarker testing at both diagnosis AND any disease progression (for stage IV patients) to ensure that you are looking at all potential biological changes. This testing offers you and your healthcare team the information you need to identify the best treatment for your individual case. - Use LungMATCH to find the best treatment options for YOU.
Lung cancer treatments are increasing at a rapid pace, which makes it confusing to find and understand your options. LungMATCH allows you to be informed and guided in a manner that works best for you. This free, personalized service will help you find appropriate treatment options to discuss with your doctor. - Ask for support! Contact our HelpLine.
Contact us for free one-on-one support, educational materials, guidance on screening, treatment and clinical trials, referrals to other resources to help you and your loved ones. Our trained and compassionate team is standing by to provide a tailored approach to help guide you every step of the way.
Every step you take—from encouraging a loved one to get screened to seeking support—makes a difference for all those impacted by lung cancer. For more ways to get involved as an advocate or contributor, click here.
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