By Curt Hammock
As I approached Christmas in 2010, I reflected on just how good I had it. My business was growing, I was riding my motorcycle, playing golf and getting ready to celebrate my wife, Elaine’s, birthday that month.
During that time, I had a constant nose bleed my doctor assured me was due to the blood thinners I was on for a past heart attack. Later that month, I found a lump on my neck. My doctor put me on antibiotics, but a week later the lump had grown, which led to a CAT scan.
I never thought about cancer. I had survived a heart attack years earlier and had stopped smoking, so cancer? No way.
Just after the holiday, on January 10th 2011, my birthday, I received the news, you have stage 3 squamous cell carcinoma – a tumor on the base of my tongue – but ALSO you have stage 3 lung cancer. Two separate primaries occurring at the same time and both had spread to my lymph nodes. Both my parents had died from lung cancer as well as both my in-laws, there was no doubt in my mind I had been given a death sentence.
After many meetings and tests, my doctors decided the best course of action would be to remove my defibrillator and then perform a broncostopy to remove as much of the tumor as possible. After that we would start radiation and chemo. When I asked my doctor what I could expect from the treatments, he said it would take a lot out of me. That was an understatement.
Armed with this information, I was off to my first radiation appointment. Elaine and I sat in the waiting room and I watched the people pass through, some were thin and very frail with little or no hair. It was a very lonely and scary place. Elaine did everything in her power to support me but she didn’t know what to expect either. I cannot put into words how afraid I was not only for myself but for my family. Frankly, I was certain I would die soon.
I noticed several brochures on tables and one caught my eye, “Fighting Cancer? We Can Help.” I thought, wouldn’t it be wonderful if I could talk with someone who understood what I was going through. The next day I called and spoke with a very caring and understanding lady, I told her my story and she said she would match me with a survivor and someone would call soon.
The next afternoon I received a call from Troy and that one call changed my life forever. He told me he was a cancer survivor just like me, in fact he had survived the exact same cancers. I couldn’t believe there was someone out there who had survived these terrible cancers. I began to tell Troy my story and I did something men don’t normally do, I admitted I was so afraid that I thought I was going to be sick. I had a thousand questions. Troy was very patient and easy to talk to, always honest but in a very caring way.
I hung up with a new sense of hope and told Elaine, if Troy can make it through, so can I.
I had 37 rounds of radiation and 8 rounds of chemo. My lung collapsed twice, the radiation caused severe burns on my neck, I was hospitalized 4 times and after a while I was unable to swallow and was fed through a tube.
Finally, my treatments were over. Ever so slowly I began to feel better. After three months I had a CT scan; this one was different, it showed I was cancer free! I have never been so happy. One of the first calls I made was to Troy. He understood how I was feeling; after all, he had been there.
OK, cancer is over, now what? God had lead me through this journey for a reason, I just didn’t know what it was. As I thought about Troy, cancer and giving back I realized I should give all I can to help folks just like me. I once read that when you find your calling, you are truly born.
I signed up to be a Lung Cancer Alliance (LCA) Phone Buddy, someone who has gone through the lung cancer process and can share his/her experience with others that need guidance and support. It’s an honor to convey my message of hope to the very special people fighting this terrible disease. I love to hear the hope in their voices when I say, I am a cancer survivor just like you and I will walk with you through this journey.
Oh, yes, over eight years later I’m still cancer free!!
For questions about lung cancer or becoming a Phone Buddy, contact our HelpLine at or call 1-800-298-2436.
Thanks so much for sharing your story. My husband was just told yesterday e had lung cancer. We really do not know much information, yet. However, your story gives me hope because all the research and the statistics look extremely bleak. So, you can imagine my appreciation when I read your story. Thanks so much for your compassion and giving hope to people like us. <3
Thank you for sharing, Fatima. Please know that we are here every step of the way in your husband’s lung cancer journey. If either of you ever have questions or just need someone to talk to, please contact our HelpLine support staff at 1-800-298-2436 or email Sending positive vibes your way.
Just would like someone to give me & my family hope my dad has just been diagnosed stage 3 lung cancer that has spread to lymph nodes they are testing him for new immune therapy or something not sure if he can have that if not only offers chemo they said no to radiation & onky given him 12 months to live we are devastated he is a fit 74 year old he did smoke for many years but had stopped ages ago he suffers with chest problem since he has been born , just want him here with us I get married in Cyprus August’s and don’t know if he can come now we are all heartbroken anyone give hope ❤️
Hi Nicky, please know that you are not alone. We are here to support you and your family every step of the way in your father’s lung cancer journey. If you or your father have questions or you just want someone to talk to, please contact our trained support staff at 1-800-298-2436 or Sending positive vibes your way.
I have stage 4 lung cancer this is my third time with lung cancer and I had lymphoma they tell me now I probably wont even have 5 yrs that there is no cure
This is scary for me I know we all have to go but I sure wasnt ready for this or my life to end so soon
Hi Diana, please know that we are here every step of the way in your lung cancer journey. If you ever have questions or just need someone to talk to, please contact our support staff at 1-800-298-2436 or email Sending positive vibes your way.
This is a touching story! I, too am a Lung Cancer survivor. I was diagnosed in October of 2015 and had a Lobectomy performed in November of 2015. I did not know of any Lung Cancer survivors when I was diagnosed, so I had no one to whom I could ask questions. Just recently a friend of mine was diagnosed with Lung Cancer and I reached out to her and tried to answer questions that she had regarding what she would be going through. I like to think I was a help to her. In the 3 months before my diagnosis, my oldest daughter was diagnosed with Melanoma and in that September my youngest daughter was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.
Hi Susan, thank you for sharing your story. It offers such great hope and connection to others in their lung cancer journey. Sending positive vibes your way!